Galvanization - Canaan Site Furnishings

Galvanization refers to the surface treatment technology of plating a layer of zinc to metals, alloys, or other materials for aesthetic and rust prevention. With the development of galvanization and the use of high-performance zinc plating brightener, the purpose of galvanization has escalated from simple protection to protection and decorative application. The main processes are cold and hot-dip galvanizing.
Hot-dip galvanizing is developed from the older hot-dip galvanizing method. It has been 170 years since France applied hot-dip galvanizing to the industry in 1836. It is the main method used for galvanizing the surface of the steel boards. Cold galvanizing, also known as electro galvanizing, covers a wide range of fields, including machinery manufacturing, making galvanized hook nets, electronics, precision instruments, chemical industry, transportation, aerospace, etc. Canaan applies cold galvanizing to beautify and make the products corrosion-resistant and durable.
The zinc coating is thick, with fine and uniform crystallization, no pores, and has good corrosion resistance; The layer obtained by electroplating is relatively pure, and the corrosion is slow in acid, alkali, and other environments which effectively protects the object. The zinc coatings form colors such as white, rainbow, and dark green after chromate passivation, which is pretty and decorative. It has good ductility which allows cold stamped, rolled, bent, fold without damaging the coating.