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Powder-coating is to coat powdered paint on the workpiece with an electrostatic spray molding machine. The powder will be evenly attached to the surface in the electrostatic field. Final layers vary in effects according to different paint. The thickness reaches up to 60 microns after high-temperature drying, leveling, and curing, which makes the product surface […]

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Electro-coating is a coating method that the workpiece and the corresponding electrode are put into the water-soluble coating. The resin, pigment, and filler in the coating evenly precipitate and deposit on the surface of the workpiece and form a water-insoluble film under the influence of the physical and chemical action generated by the electric field, […]

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A feature to distinguish outdoor furniture from other furniture is that outdoor furniture is considered as a component of the urban landscape environment – the “props” of the city. It has the characteristics of “publicity” and “communicativeness”. As an important part of the furnishing industry, outdoor furniture generally refers to the facilities for relaxations in […]

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Recycled plastic is one of the waste plastics, stands for the plastics made from the waste products that have been used, abandoned, cleaned, crushed in civil, industrial, and other uses. In a broad sense, recycled plastics refer to any reuse of leftover materials or waste products. Recycled plastics can be added/not added with fillers, plasticizers, […]

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